Does not have a strong smell. Does not yellow the wires. Does not fade colored hair. Protected Progressive Brush is Compatible with Chemicals and Colors.
Duration time: Duration of 3 to 6 months, depending on how the hair roots grow. Yield: 10 to 20 applications. Perform a strand test to check possible allergies and hair resistance. In case of contact with eyes, wash under running water. Keep out of reach of children.
Store in a cool, ventilated place. 1 - Protevida Anti-residue Shampoo - 1000ml. 1 - Protected 100% Organic Straightening Active - 1000ml.
PROTECTED ORGANIC PROGRESSIVE STEP BY STEP. Before carrying out any procedure, do a strand test to check the resistance of your hair and possible allergies to some substance. 1- Wash your hair with the anti-residue shampoo from the PROTEVIDA kit 2 to 3 times, rub the roots and do not rub the ends. Note on the last application, let the anti-residue shampoo act for 15 minutes. 2- Rinse your hair under running water, removing all product.
3- Dry your hair 100% with a hairdryer. 4- Application of the PROTEVIDA straightening active ingredient, place 50ml or required amount of the smoothing active ingredient in a container suitable for this purpose. The application of the smoothing active ingredient must be carried out with an application brush and the aid of a fine comb, respecting a distance of 1 centimeter from the scalp, apply the straightening agent with the brush in small strands at a time after using a fine comb to help spread the product well throughout the hair, Pause time: let the straightening agent act for 30 to 60 minutes depending on the resistance of the hair.5- Rinse your hair, removing 20%?? to 50% of the product with just running water.
(IF YOUR HAIR IS RESISTANT JUST WET YOUR HAIR AND REMOVE EXCESS PRODUCT). Note: For blonde or colored hair, we recommend rinsing the hair 100% and using a straightener temperature between 180° and 190°. 6- Dry your hair 100% with a hairdryer.
7- Straighten thin strands up to 15 times from the roots to the ends of each strand until it is sealed and shiny (if the ends are already smooth, you can straighten just the roots, and slide the straightener over the ends a few times in order to preserve the ends unnecessary heating, since they are smooth) - (we recommend a straightener with a Titanium base or similar) The result will be a PERFECT SMOOTH with a natural effect. 1 - How long does hair stay straight? A: It provides straightening for up to 3 months, during which time the roots will begin to become evident. 3 - Does this brush contain formaldehyde? A: Does not contain formaldehyde or derivatives (DOES NOT HAVE GLYOXYLIC ACID).
Our Progressive is 100% Organic based on Citric acids and amino acids. 4 - Does this product have a strong smell? Does it cause burning in the eyes or airways?
A: It does not have a strong smell or cause irritation, it has a wonderful smell. 5 - Can I straighten without removing the product from my hair?
A: We recommend removing excess product when rinsing if your hair is very resistant. 6 - What is the expiration date? A: The validity is 36 months from the date of manufacture. Our stocks are renewed monthly, always guaranteeing brand new products with maximum time for you to use the product.
7 - What is the yield? A: With a 1 Liter kit you can make approximately 10 to 20 hairs. 8 - Can it be used on blonde hair?
9 - Straightens Afro hair? A: Yes, with excellent results.